How To Make Tax-Deductible Pro-Life Donations

There are many ways to make tax-deductible pro-life donations, including becoming a Life Impact Partner, setting up planned giving options, donating new items, or even keeping a record of certain volunteer-related expenses such as mileage.  

Making Tax-Deductible Pro-Life Donations in Long Island, New York

At Soundview Pregnancy Services, we value the sanctity of human life as much as you do. It is our honor and privilege to partner with you in helping Long Island women and families make life-affirming choices.

Plus, since we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, contributions to our organization are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Here are some of the many ways you can make a difference.

How Do I Make a Donation as a Life Impact Partner?

When you give a monthly gift to Soundview Pregnancy Services, you’re more than just a donor; you’re a partner. Your faithful monthly giving of any amount allows us to have the financial stability to welcome women into our doors each month.

Your Impact

Because of you, our medically accredited nursing and social work staff are able to answer an abortion-minded woman’s most anxious questions, help her meet her baby and choose life because of a no-cost ultrasound exam, and offer her an invitation to hear the Gospel message.

How to Give

As a Life Impact Partner, you’ll enjoy access to our monthly Life Impact Newsletter and an invitation to join our closed Facebook Group for first-hand information and announcements. To join us, click here and be sure to set your donation frequency to “Monthly.”

How Do I Set Up Planned Giving?

Incorporating Soundview Pregnancy Services into your will, designating us as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, giving stock or mutual funds, or setting up a charitable trust are all among your planned giving options. 

For many of our partners, planned giving is a way to increase their overall pro-life giving without impacting their current financial lifestyle.

Your Impact

When you partner with us through planned giving, you are leaving a “Legacy of Life” that keeps serving women, protecting children, and strengthening families for years to come.

How to Give 

If you’re interested in planned giving, call us at (631) 676-7990. 

Talk with your attorney or financial advisor to learn more about how planned giving options may qualify you for an income tax deduction for premiums paid on your life insurance policy, an income or estate charitable tax deduction according to the terms of a trust agreement, or other deductions.

How Else Can I Make a Tax-Deductible Pro-Life Donation?

Some other ways to make a tax-deductible pro-life donation are through material gifts or even through keeping track of certain volunteer expenses.

Your Impact

Our moms and babies can always use packaged/unopened baby diapers of all sizes, wipes, and new baby clothes (as we are a medical facility, all items must be new).

Or if you’d like to serve with us as a client advocate or as a member of one of our fundraising event teams, you may even consider keeping a careful log of the mileage you incur, as you may be able to claim a tax deduction for mileage driven to volunteer. 

How to Give 

Contact us to talk further about the opportunities available. As always, be sure to consult your tax adviser about any specific financial questions you may have. 

Your Donations Make a Difference

No matter how you choose to give, please know that your donations make a difference. 

Call us at (631) 676-7990 to learn more, or donate securely online today. 

Together, we will continue to share the life-changing love of Christ with moms, babies, and families.

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