Abortion Pill Reversal

It’s not uncommon for a woman to feel regret or guilt after starting their abortion. At Soundview, we understand that women change their minds. It is possible to reverse a medical abortion!

If a woman has taken the abortion pill and is experiencing regret, she can immediately call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline. We are here to help women through this process.

Her First Step

Call the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline now:  877-558-0333

The Next Step

The hotline representative will contact the Soundview Medical Provider, even if it’s after hours or on the weekend. The Soundview Medical Provider will then contact a woman to arrange her care. We work quickly to get women the necessary medication, diagnostic ultrasound, and emotional support they need.

Soundview Pregnancy Services is an APR Provider Center. This means we specialize in providing :

  • Abortion reversal medication
  • Diagnostic ultrasounds
  • A safe space for women to process this critical event
  • Emotional support and care
  • Pregnancy coaching
  • Referrals for additional assistance

New York State is ranked #2 in the nation for abortion

Abortions Performed in NYS in 2019
Abortion Clinics on Long Island

With your support, we can build a network of Life Affirming Centers on Long Island!

Will you partner with us to make abortion unthinkable and unwanted?



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Abortion Pill Reversal Referrals
Total Client Visits in 2021

*These stats have been taken from 2021 client reports.